
Showing posts from October, 2019
A Black Dwarf is final part of a Low Mass Star's life cycle and comes after the White Dwarf. 5 your at the White Dwarf. A Black Dwarf no longer emits light and isn't a star any more. Number 7 your life cycle ended and number 5 is the winner.
A White Dwarf will ether come from a Nova or a Planetary Nebula. 5 you are now at the Nova. A White Dwarf forms when a Low Mass Star runs out of fuel.
A Planetary Nebula is the other way after a Red Giant and everyone who still is alive except 5 are now here. 5 your at a Binary White Dwarf. A Red Giant's outer layers of the star are expelled creating a Planetary Nebula.
A Nova is the other way after a Binary White Dwarf and 5 you go back to the Binary White Dwarf. The rest of you go to the Planetary Nebula.
A type 1.A Super Nova is 1 of the 2 paths that the Binary White Dwarf has and if you get the card number 6 you have died.                                
A Binary White Dwarf comes after a Red Giant and is one of the 2 ways the Red Giant can go.
The Low Mass Star evolves to the Red Giant and this is what is looks like. The outer layer is mostly made of gases that expand throughout its life.
A Low Mass Star is the beginning of the middle of the life cycle and is what happens when it does not have enough energy to be a Massive Star but enough to not be a Brown Dwarf.
A Pulsar happens when a Neutron Star gets too heavy and shoots energy out of the top and bottom. Number 4 you have died.
A Neutron Star is another of the 3 things that happen after a Super Nova and will pull you to it at the speed of light and will rip you into shreds with some broken ribs.
The  X-ray emission is only made if the Black Hole doesn't rise to power. Number 3 your life cycle ended.
A Super Nova remnant is is the left overs of a Super Nova. Number 1 your life cycle has ended.
A Black Hole is one of the 3 next fazes after a Super Nova and basically sucks everything in its path into it and will rip you apart.
Red Super Giant  A Red Super Giant is the next faze of a Massive Star and is a bigger version of a Red Giant that is were the super comes from.
The type 2 Super Nova happens when the Red Super Giant explodes/burns out.
Massive Stars are stars that got too much of a certain proportion so they got too big.
A Brown Dwarf is a star that didn't light up very much because it doesn't have enough proportions to light up if your card is 2 your life cycle ended.
The life cycle of a star : Everyone with a card from 1-9 your life cycle has began and 0 was unfortunately the unlucky card.
This is a blog about a stars life. We will have a video and a game with info not included in a video or game.